
ICT: Abréviation for Ichthyosis. ICT clear simply that the animal does not have the genetic proclivity for the disorder. ICT carrier means that the animal itself will not experience symptoms but may be able to pass the gene on to its offspring. ICT does not seem to cause the animal any discomfort but produces scaly skin.

Limited registration: Does not allow breeding rights and registration of the animal’s offspring with the AKC. The animal itself is registered with the AKC.

Pedigree: The genealogical record of a dog. Typically shows the parents, grand parents and great-grandparents of the animal with their titles.

Registration: Filing your animal’s pedigree information with an accepted organization that records and maintains information on the type of animal and breed of animal you adopt. Maintaining these records can be very helpful for future breeding and understanding where an animal came from.  Recording your animal’s pedigree in this way will help future generation know whether an animal is pure bred or not.

Re-Home: Helping a furry friend find a new place to live. Sometimes an animal that has been your friend for a time, needs to find a new home. Reasons abound, re-locating, allergies in the family, retiring, etc. Can be a difficult and emotional time for both the animal and the person. Finding the right person to adopt your furry friend is very important.

Unlimited registration: Allows for breeding rights to follow the animal.